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Hockey was different in the 70's. |
What's a hockey pool?
it's an attempt by a part of society (mostly Canadian males) to relive their childhood of playing NHL Sega 94 and possibly provide them some bragging rights amongst fellow poolies about how smart they are in picking a winning team. It's like Sex and the City, but for men and doesn't involve any sex.
What's an Arrested Development Hockey Pool?
Pretty much the same as a regular hockey pool, but with a few extra bonuses such as a monthly newsletter, perhaps a shout or boo out to your favourite team or player on this hockey pool dedicated blog. Arrested Development is also on the leading edge of monthly prizes to give everyone a fighting chance to win something, not just a winner-take-all.
What do I do to start?
Well, you are here so that's good. Choose a simple yet elegant team name that sums up your personality in 15 characters or less. Then go to the boxes under 'choose your players' and pick one player per box. It's pretty simple really, even your wife could do it.
Hey! Get your wife to join then hope to Gordie Howe she doesn't beat you.
Where do I sign up?
Go to www.hockeydraft.ca then under pool name type jay royston
the password is mortgages
pick out your unique team name as if a prize might depend on it
then pick one player per box and when done, press enter. You're done.
What's the entrance fee?
The entrance fee is $10 because multiple tests have shown people care more for something if there is a value placed upon it. So this pool is worth $10. I will forward reminders to people who haven't paid once the season starts. If you haven't paid by the end of October, I won't pursue it much further - but if you win, you don't. Get it?
Who should I pick?
Better question is who will everybody else pick? Decide if you are going to follow the herd or be a trail-blazer. Call each player and ask them how they are feeling. Ask your kids or your next door neighbour. Better yet, invite them to join.
That's all the advice you are going to give?
I'm in this pool too, you know. I also write another mostly hockey blog here at www.ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca which you should read to satisfy my ego.
I don't see Luongo, where is he?
The goalie selections are 6 per box, giving you the maximum range to select from. Luongo is hidden at the bottom of one of those boxes. Use the scroll bar on the right to find him. Or just pick Schneider.
How do I win?
The best way to win is to just by showing up (and paying me). If you wind up winning the pool and you haven't paid, all you get will be bragging rights.
Okay, but how do I win? Like most points, fights, what?
The beauty of Arrested Development is there quite a few ways to win; does your team have the player with the best mustache for Movember? You win! Is your team so far out of contention due to injuries? You win! Does your team win all the fights but can't find the back of the net with a zamboni? You win!
Other questions?
Just use the trash talk feature so that whole league knows what your question is and maybe someone will answer it for you OR contact me directly and I will clarify anything you are curious about.